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5-minutes with Georgia from Georgia's Cakes in London

Today we are thrilled to be chatting to British cake designer, Georgia Green from Georgia’s Cakes, who is based in North West London.

Classically trained at Le Cordon Blue, Georgia is renowned for giving a modern spin to traditional baking techniques. I have long admired Georgia’s unique creations and was thrilled to chat to her about her signature cake range and also get some tips to recreate her chocolate drip and giant cupcake at home.

Georgia, please tell us about how you became a cake designer. When did you realize you wanted to become a cake designer?

I decided to specialise in cakes after my training at Le Cordon Bleu. I knew I didn't want to work in a hotel and restaurant, so I worked in a couple of Cafes in London making more cake-like treats. People began to order cakes from me for all sorts of celebrations, and so I decided to focus on it full time and set up Georgia's Cakes. I was able to apply my Cordon Bleu knowledge and come up with alternative designs that not only excited me, but my customers as well - and it just grew from there!

Can you share some details about your time at Le Cordon Bleu?

I enrolled at Le Cordon in September 2012 for the basic patisserie course which was three months long. I loved it so much that at the end of the three months, I decided to stay on for the Intermediate course for another three months! And I'm glad I did - I made croissants from fresh and was also introduced to plated desserts and refining patisserie products such as entrements and chocolate. The training not only helped with my skills, but it was amazing to be in an environment where everyone had the same interest. I also loved how strict everything was in the sense that they would pick you up on any mistake you had made, which just shows how precise the patisserie industry really is. Whilst I knew I didn't want to go and work in a hotel or restaurant, the training and environment was so motivating my skills and knowledge increased dramatically, which are also the skills I apply to my cakes today.

What are your most popular cake styles at the moment? And what is your most popular flavor?

I would say the Mad Hatter cake is the most popular, probably because it's the most fun! I let the customer design it however they like, what flavour, colour theme and toppings. It makes it more fun for both of us! I keep my flavours simple just because people are usually sharing it amongst a large number so it's best to please everyone, but the raspberry and white chocolate is definitely my favourite!

Can you share some tips for creating the perfect chocolate drip cake?

The perfect chocolate drip has definitely come with practise. For chocolate ganache, it's equal measurements of double cream and chocolate, however this can alter depending on the chocolate you are using. Because I have done it so many times, I know now that I always needed to add a little more cream to achieve the correct consistency, so I usually go for 75ml cream, 50g chocolate, but again, there are lots of factors that can change it. It's all about practise! I also prefer the look of the drips when they have fallen organically rather than a piping bag, it adds to the natural and unique look of each cake.

My absolute favourite cake of yours is the giant cupcake. Can you share some details of how you decorate this cake and do you have any tips for anyone wanting to recreate this at home?

It's a great cake! Firstly, its really easy to make - you don't have to have the giant cupcake tine, you can use a normal tin and a oven proof bowl. Secondly, it's fun to put a hidden centre of sweets into it so when you cut it open they all fall out. And finally, for the decoration you can do anything! You can decorate the whole cake using just a palette knife and spread the buttercream around, but I usually pipe on the buttercream with a star - shaped nozzle. I finish decorating the top of the cake with sweets, oreos, meringues, popcorn, and anything else!

Thank you Georgia! You can find Georgia on Instagram at and Facebook at

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